The question of Nordic identity and how it has informed (or been produced by) regional cooperation initiatives in the past the present is one of my core research interests. I have been particularly interested in the relationship between Estonia and Sweden, but also the Baltic and Nordic countries as a whole. The outputs include my PhD dissertation (published by University of Tartu Press in 2014), a number of articles and more.
Relevant publications:
- Swedish political attitudes towards Baltic independence in the short 20th century, Ajalooline Ajakiri, 3/4, 2016, pp. 397-430.
- Mart Kuldkepp, Carl Marklund. Norden beyond Norden: Region-work in the margins, Ajalooline Ajakiri, 3, 2015, pp. 213-222.
- Estonia Gravitates Towards Sweden: Nordic Identity and Activist Regionalism in World War I. University of Tartu Press, 2014.
- The Scandinavian Connection in Early Estonian Nationalism, Journal of Baltic Studies, 3, 2013, pp. 313-338.
- Eesti põhjamaise identiteedi ajaloost. Kõnnussaar, Tiia; Paaver, Triin; Parder, Mari-Liisa; Sutrop, Margit; Veski, Liisi (Toim.). Eesti JA Põhjamaad - Eesti KUI Põhjamaa. Kõned, artiklid, esseed, Tallinn: EKSA, 2017, pp. 31-42.
- Myten om “den gamla goda svensktiden” och dess betydelse för Estland, Aktuellt om Historia, 1, 2016, pp. 53-66.
- Onko Viro Pohjoismaa? Viron pohjoismaisen identiteetin historiaa, Elo, 4, 2015, pp. 4-6.